Florida's Wilderness Areas

Often overlooked when searching for naturalist adventures in Florida, the Florida Wilderness Areas provide recreational opportunities in some of the less developed natural lands found in Florida. Many of these wilderness areas are also part of refuges managed by specific government agencies such as the 5 water management districts (FWMD) or Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). Be sure to follow the pages and articles provided here in the pages above and on Florida Nature Guide for more information on any of these unique areas.

The Florida areas designated as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System can be located by utilizing the following interactive map provided by Wilderness Net. Click on this link to the National Wilderness Systems interactive map where you can scroll or zoom in on a given area of interest and follow the links provided for more information.

Once you locate a wilderness area of interest, you can search our site through the site search forms provided to locate additional tools and information from the managing agencies.


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